KC VITAs is a new music ensemble dedicated to the performance of new works by living composers. Selected pieces will be held for consideration of our upcoming season and beyond. To learn more about KC VITAs, please join our mailing list or follow us on social media.

Call for Scores / Art Proposals

for KC VITAs presents: "Kaleidoscope"

For a second collaboration, KC VITAs and the Arvin Gottlieb Planetarium at Union Station will be presenting a multi-media, immersive installation experience unlike any other, entitled “Kaleidoscope” in 2025. The organizations are seeking vocal scores (choir, chamber works, or art song) and proposals for projected art in consideration to be programmed on this event.

Visual and musical components will be matched together for the performance. Submit a proposal by filling out the submission form by Feb. 21st. A maximum of 50 musical submissions and 50 visual art submissions will be accepted. Only one proposal can be submitted by the same person in each category. See below for specific submission details.



Any combination of voices up to SSAATTBB.


Up to 2 instruments, including electronics. Due to limited space in the planetarium, any non-mobile instrument (piano, etc.) must be able to be pre-recorded.


Max 12 minutes. Multi-movement works or cycles of compositions may be combined into one file and submission, but must not exceed 12 minutes of total music.

What to Submit:

A PDF of any relevant scores, a link to a recording (live, midi, video, etc.). Particular consideration will be given to submissions with a reduction (if a cappella,) compositions that are self-published or not published, and works by composers of marginalized populations.


Email Dr. Jackson Thomas, Artistic Director of KC VITAs, at jackson@kcvitas.org.


What to Submit:

A detailed description and examples (sizzle reel, storyboard, art portfolio) of the work that can be projected and choreographed with music (live or a track) via cueing or looping. If a full example is not available and the proposal is selected, a first draft will be due by June 1st and the final project must be sent by July 1st, 2025.

Content format guidelines:

Photos or video content in ‘fulldome’ format: either 4096 x 4096 fisheye or single-hemisphere equirectangular projection (contact Patrick for more info).


Email Patrick Hess, Planetarium Manager, at phess@unionstation.org.


February 1st: Call Opens

April 1st: Submissions Announced

June 1st: Art Proposal First Draft Due

July 1st: Final Art Files Due

Late September/Early October: Performances